вторник, 30 января 2018 г.

word list for 8 Forward - llook for the future - leaflet - election-vote

a)     A waste of public money
b)    To reduce the price of petrol
c)     To close many universities
d)    To spend more on education
e)     To have the chance to have a good free education
f)      To lower taxes for small business
g)     To create thousands of new jobs
h)    Cheaper electricity
i)       To help the economy
j)       To build more power stations
k)    To limit the number of free places at universities
l)       To create more national parks
m)  To protect the environment
n)    For future generation
o)    Air pollution
p)    To increase taxes on car owners
a)     A waste of public money
b)    To reduce the price of petrol
c)     To close many universities
d)    To spend more on education
e)     To have the chance to have a good free education
f)      To lower taxes for small business
g)     To create thousands of new jobs
h)    Cheaper electricity
i)       To help the economy
j)       To build more power stations
k)    To limit the number of free places at universities
l)       To create more national parks
m)  To protect the environment
n)    For future generation
o)    Air pollution
p)    To increase taxes on car owners

a)     A waste of public money
b)    To reduce the price of petrol
c)     To close many universities
d)    To spend more on education
e)     To have the chance to have a good free education
f)      To lower taxes for small business
g)     To create thousands of new jobs
h)    Cheaper electricity
i)       To help the economy
j)       To build more power stations
k)    To limit the number of free places at universities
l)       To create more national parks
m)  To protect the environment
n)    For future generation
o)    Air pollution
p)    To increase taxes on car owners
a)     A waste of public money
b)    To reduce the price of petrol
c)     To close many universities
d)    To spend more on education
e)     To have the chance to have a good free education
f)      To lower taxes for small business
g)     To create thousands of new jobs
h)    Cheaper electricity
i)       To help the economy
j)       To build more power stations
k)    To limit the number of free places at universities
l)       To create more national parks
m)  To protect the environment
n)    For future generation
o)    Air pollution
p)    To increase taxes on car owners

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